Video Games
I admit, I am a Gaming addict.
I own a PS1, a Game Cube and an XBOX.
The PS1(mainly collects dust) and Game Cube are for the kids, but the XBOX is mine. But, yeah, the kids are always
on that too.
The GC titles we own are: Sponge Bob, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3, Namcomuseum, and WrestleMania X8.
XBOX titles are:
Halo, Halo 2, Splinter Cell,
Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow,
Splinter Cell: Caos Theory, Ghost Recon,
Ghost Recon 2, Indian Jones, DOA3,
Enclave, NBA Inside Drive 2003,
Transworld Snow Boarding, Max Payne,
Crash Bandicoot, Crimson Skies,
Soldier of Fortune II, Unreal 2,
Sponge Bob: Battle for Bikini Bottom,
Star Wars Jedi Academy, Links 2004,
Project Gotham Racing 2, Rainbow Six 3,
Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow, Shadow Ops,
Full Spectrum Warrior, Fable, Wreckless,
and lots of demos and exhibition discs.